Jawaharlal Nehru,India’s first is known for well more than just being India’s first prime minister–More for Nehruvian Policies.
Jawaharlal Nehru was way too ahead of his time—It is still a debate whether it was good of bad for the country, Anyway he was a modernist and was decades ahead in thinking a proper structure for the growth of the country and his policies came off to be known as The Nehruvian Policies.
While the Nehruvian policies are systematically too complex,They can be churned out into some smaller explanations–
Foreign Policy
Nehru was a keen follower of “foreign movements” and often wanted India to be an active participant in global issues by independent; and that included the following-
The Non-Aligned Movement (1961)-It was co-founded by Nehru and this was established to bring in neutrality in the cold war between the United States and The Soviet Union.
Education Policy
The Indian Institute of Technologies (More famously known as IIT’s) was established under the tenure of Jawahrlal Nehru) in the early1950’s.The IIT’s are still one of India’s top educational institutions.
Another major establishment during his tenure was the UGC commission set up in 1953 to provide financial assistance to major universities and colleges in India.
Social Welfare Policy
The National Rural Health Mission was established in 1952 to improve healthcare services in rural parts if India.Another Major reform under this was The Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961 which made dowry a criminal offense in India.
Democratic Policy
Democratic Republic of India–A term for which Nehru also contributed by playing a key role in drafting the Indian Constitution and The Prevention of Atrocities Act 1955,The Act which prohibited discrimination on the basis of caste and established penalties for offences against marginalized communities.
Science and Technology Policy
The Atomic Energy Commission was established in 1948 to oversee India’s biggest nuclear energy program. Another major Nehruvian stroke was the establishment of India’s space program in 1969.
These are some of the key Nehruvian Policies which still stand strongly even till this date, Although there are two sides which are for and against Nehruvian Policies, One still stands true–Nehruvian Policies indeed churned a path for India to walk ahead.